Saturday afternoon

Senin, 15 September 2008

Cozy Kitty
Originally uploaded by cafechatelaine
Molly is all set for an afternoon of movie watching. Her Netflix came the day before. Which one to watch first, The Amazing Panda Adventure or the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill?

A visit to Wilson Farms

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Today I went to Wilson Farms in Lexington. This is the place to put you in the mood for Fall. There were pumpkins and gourds galore and colorful mums and bittersweet. The freshly made apple cider doughnuts were a big favorite. I bought six of them and I was tempted to eat at least one in the car on the way home but I didn't.

I found some items for dinner as well. Maple sage pork tenderloin with carmelized onion mashed potatoes, broccolini with garlic, and strawberry rhubarb pie. This farm is my favorite place for fruit, vegetables, flowers, cheeses, desserts, and prepared foods. One stop shopping in a beautiful setting. I love to visit New England farm stands and to support the local economy.

It was a bright sunny day in Lexington, a little humid but that's ok. This time of year we have warm days and cool nights. It was the perfect Indian Summer afternoon. Soon we'll move to crisp Autumn days, the smell of leaves burning and brilliant color on the trees. I can't wait!

And the winner is ....

Jumat, 12 September 2008

On September 3rd, I posted about buying a condo or renting an apartment and I was leaning towards renting again. The cost to buy was going to be more than renting and that was scary. I saw an apartment I loved so I was ready to sign on the dotted line. The next day I realized it would be a mistake to rent again. This really is the time to buy and there may not be another time where both prices and mortgage rates are low.

So I am taking the plunge. I am buying a 2 bedroom, 1 bath with garage condo. The unit is one of 4 in a building built in 1910. Yesterday I attended the home inspection and all is well. So it looks like I will have a new home soon. I am relying on all my faithful readers (all 3 of you) to help me with the decorating. The place is gorgeous and doesn't need any work but a guy owns it now and it's a little too masculine and modern for me. I prefer a French inspired look. Any help would be appreciated. For example, the kitchen is lovely. It has granite countertops and stainless steel appliances but it needs to be warmed up. A friend suggested using wrought iron and lace to make it more warm and "French".

Anyway, decorating is going to be fun. Soon Molly and I will have a new home and my new kitty Oscar will be joining us too. We'll start moving in the end of October.

Remembering 9/11

Kamis, 11 September 2008

Today I am remembering with the rest of the nation the victims of 9/11.
First of all, I live near Boston and I hate the fact that two of the planes took off from our Logan Airport.
On that day seven years ago, I thought I couldn't possibly know anyone who was on those planes. In the next few days, I realized I did know someone. One of our bank customers who was also our pizza delivery boy was on one of the planes. He was flying west to help his mother move. He was a college student. The pizza guy we'd seen many times in the course of a year was on one of the planes. Shocking.
My sister taught at a Catholic School at the time and one of her fellow teacher's father's was on one of the planes too.
A week later we found out someone from our town, a woman who had not lived in the area very long had also perished that day.
On the first anniversary on our town common, a labryinth was set up. Our town was historically a shoe town So it was decided that we would set up 3000 pairs of shoes to represent the 3000 victims of 9/11. All participants in the project were asked to bring a pair of shoes to be placed on the common. We could decorate them or not. I decorated a pair of shoes (my sister's old bridesmaid shoes, kind of a raspbery color) with cut out angels and feathery wings and a poem. My sister decorated shoes with Mexican references to give a voice to the undocumented workers who were employed at the World Trade Center. Someone left a pair of hockey skates with an American Flag inside them on the common. It was a tribute to former Boston Bruin hockey player Ace Bailey who was enroute from Boston to LA that day.
Now we're at the 7th anniversary. I'm still remembering the victims. I hope you all will take the time to remember them as well.

Dark Day in New England

Senin, 08 September 2008

You may not know it but I am a football fan. Fan as in fanatic! Yes, I would watch 8 football games in one day if I could. So you should know that today is a dark day for me and for
all of New England.

The lifeblood of our team, our star quarterback Tom Brady, is out for the season. If I see that pathetic video clip of the hit that sent his knee one way and the rest of his body the other way
one more time I will.. well I don't know what I'll do but it won't be pretty.

We are all still reeling from the Super Bowl disaster in February and everyone was looking forward to the team avenging their Championship loss. But no, about half way through the first
quarter of the first game of the season Tom Brady hit the astro turf in a heap and he's gone for the season.

Hope springs eternal though. We are hardy in New England and we will rally around our backup quarterback Matt Cassel. After all, Tom Brady started his career with the Patriots as a backup
quarterback so you just never know.

Forever Autumn

Minggu, 07 September 2008

The Summer sun is fading as the year grows old,
and darker days are drawing near... I love that song Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward
of the Moody Bues. Every September, I pull out the Moody Blues Time Traveler CD and
I listen to that song every morning in my car. I probably stop listening to it around Thanksgiving.

The song is depressing but I still love it. And I do wish it could be Forever Autumn because
I am an Autumn Freak. I love the crispness in the air, the smell of wood stoves, the vibrant colors every where you look, the smells of apple, cinnamon, pumpkin! Did I tell you I make a mean apple crisp? Well it's one of my specialties.

I love sweater weather. I can cozy up in a nice soft sweater, or one of my big collar oversized sweaters that hide the fact that I've had ice cream on my apple crisp or too many
Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Lattes that week. Speaking of clothing, I have favortie suede jackets that are special in Fall too. My dark green suede blazer is my outdoor coat for most
of the Fall but by Thanksgiving in New England it's too cold for it. I also have a burgundy
topper jacket with contrasting embroidery that is an old friend.

And let's not forget Autumn is "Hot Drink Season". I once told my sister I love Fall because of hot drinks. She laughed hysterically. It's true. The aforementioned Pumpkin Spice Lattes,
cranberry autumn tea from Harney's, hot chocolate, orange cranberry tea, and let's not forget apple cider. It's especially nice when it's spiced or mulled. Just throw in cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, maybe some orange zest, into your cider then heat. You will have a fabulous spiced apple cider.
My last comment is about the decorations. Fall is a time to unleash your creativity. Go get those pumpkins, ghourds, acorns, colorful leaves and put them everywhere! Don't forget a nice wire ribbon in shades of burgundy or plum.
I'll leave you with a quote from George Eliot. "Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns".

A Home For Lane

Rabu, 03 September 2008

I've been dreaming of owning a home for a while now. Every Sunday I attend at least 3 open houses and usually I come away disgusted and discouraged. In my price range, I've run into my share of fixer uppers and in some cases condos that should be condemned. This summer I made an offer on one house (a lovely cape in a good neighborhood) and one condo (newly upgraded). Both offers were rejected and both properties are still on the market. So I'd given up on home ownership.

I started looking at apartments. I need to move soon because I refuse to sign a lease where I presently live. You may recall from my Starting From Scratch post that I had been feeding a stray kitty. I met Oscar on Valentine's Day and I fell in love with him. In June, I rescued him but my landlord won't let me have a second cat so Oscar is living a very nice life with his foster family. His foster mother Diane treats him as I would. She absolutely loves him and is probably spoiling him. Our agreement was that she would keep Oscar at her home for up to 3 months. So I need to move fast-literally. Unfortunately I put the cat before the house.

Today, I called about an apartment. It sounded fantastic and when I saw it I really loved it.
It had hardwood floors, built in china cabinets, a fireplace, french doors in two rooms, and
storage space. The rent was reasonable. The landlord seemed nice. I took an application
to be considered for this rental.

Would you believe this evening I received a call from the condo owner of the unit I made an offer on? He had his condo under agreement but this week the deal fell through. So he is lowering the price by $20K and he wanted to know if I would be interested. You would think I would jump at the chance to own. This unit has everything I want. But I was planning on renting something about $200 more than what I pay at present. This condo would be about $700 more per month.

I know what you're thinking. If you rent you throw money out the window. Here's my take,
happiness comes first. I want to have a life. I like to travel, eat out, etc. and most likely I will be paying the mortgage for 30 years. There's no getting out of that or at least no easy way to get out of it. So there's my dilemma.

I need to decide soon, rent or buy. Either way, Oscar will have a new home and he will join
my cat Molly and me very soon.

Just for fun, I am posting some photos of my dream homes, the ones I won't be buying.




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